Is there any problem if I chew on one side only?
Many times we resort to chewing on one side only, when there are teeth missing from the other side, or if there is a dental problem on the other side. This in the long run can cause severe dental problems. In the process of chewing, our teeth are cleansed and the teeth and gums remain clean and healthy. The teeth on the side not being used will become dirty as layers of plaque build up and there is bad breath and odour from the mouth. Over a period of time, this will lead to breakdown of the dentition.
Secondly, the joint of the mouth is the only joint in the body in which both the sides should be used simultaneously. If only one side of the mouth is used then muscles and the joint of that side will be stressed and this can cause severe pain and tenderness of the joint. Not only is this condition painful, but, it is also very difficult to treat
Are, Fluoride toothpastes bad for teeth?
This is a misconception, which is exactly the opposite of facts now proved to be correct by over six decades of extensive research worldwide. Fluorides are best for teeth, so much so that in America and western Europe, all the water in the public distribution system is fluoridated. In western countries, all conceivable paediatric eatables have been fluoridated: fluoridated chewing gums; fluoridated milk; fluoridated sweets, etc.
Parents are sometimes anxious whether the child will swallow the toothpaste and whether the fluoride in it could cause damage to the general health. This is not true. First of all, the toothpaste in the mouth is greatly diluted by saliva.
Secondly, even if the child swallows, he will not swallow all of it. Much of it remains in the mouth.
Thirdly, and most importantly, the fluoride content of the toothpaste is very little, in fact 1 part per million. Therefore the child will have to literally eat seven big tubes of toothpaste undiluted by saliva, at one time for the fluoride to have any harmful effect! This scenario is simply inconceivable.
Fluoride strengthens the enamel of the tooth and makes it resistant to cavities. Therefore the use of fluoride toothpastes is definitely beneficial to the dental health of children.
Fluorides are harmful only if they are consumed in excess. In India, only areas like a few desert areas of Gujarat, and Rajasthan, and few spots in Andhra Pradesh, have excess fluoride in the drinking water. Therefore, only in these areas, does the population need to use a- fluoride free toothpaste.
Keeping in mind, the sharp increase in the dental problems of children, it is very beneficial to use a- fluoride toothpaste. This offers some protection against the attacks from sweets, chocolates, and refined sweets, the consumption of which is increasing rapidly.
Are tooth powders good for teeth and gums?
Tooth powders have no known beneficial effect on the teeth and gums. More often than not, tooth powder can only do harm.
Most of the time, a finger is used to clean teeth, when tooth powder is used. Therefore all the surfaces of the tooth and especially gaps between teeth, do not get cleaned. Even after rinsing, some particles of tooth powder, do remain on the teeth and in between teeth. These act as a focus, on which plaque, and tartar, will accumulate, causing gum disease.
Therefore, it is best to avoid using a tooth powder, especially those which are rough, and which contain tobacco (masheri). Some ayurvedic preparations for dental, and gum diseases are available in a powder form, and they can be used under professional supervision.
Some companies market toothpowders, which are held in the palm, and applied with a brush. They are nothing but, toothpastes in a powder form. They have resorted to this marketing gimmick, because in India, some ayurvedic preparations were used in a powder form, and they were quite popular.
If at all, toothpowder has to be used, it should be soft and non-abrasive and none of it should be left in the mouth after use .
Is brushing teeth with toothpaste and a brush enough?
Regular brushing twice or thrice a day is certainly good for teeth. But this is not enough. A toothbrush will clean the side surfaces and the biting surfaces of teeth, but it will certainly not clean the gaps between two teeth thoroughly.
These are the breeding spots for all dental diseases. Therefore, to clean the spaces between teeth, it is necessary to use what are known as inter-dental cleansing aids.
Some of them are toothpicks for front teeth, inter-dental oral irrigators, dental floss, etc. Dental floss is a kind of thread, which cleans gaps in between teeth very well. Toothpicks should be used delicately, and their use should not damage the gums. Oral irrigators are devices by which a fine but a powerful spray of water is generated by which the inter-dental gaps can be cleaned very well.
However, good quality inter-dental cleansing aids are not yet available in India.
Beautiful teeth, are an asset to your personality. Not only do they add to your beauty, but they are also a sign of good health. But, there are some misconceptions among most people, who believe that, one should consult a dentist, only when there is some tooth trouble. Here are some dental facts clarified by Dr. Veerendra Darakh, an eminent practising Dental surgeon in Mumbai.
Myth No. 1
One should go to a dentist only when there is pain
Dental disease, like cancer and heart problems, causes pain only in the terminal stage. Therefore, one should visit one’s dentist, at least twice a year, for regular checkups and scaling. Not only will he advice you how to take care of your teeth, but he will also detect problems, at an initial stage, when treatment is easy and inexpensive.
Myth No. 2
Wiring treatment cannot be done after a certain age
In today’s competitive world, everyone wants to look good. The teeth and jaw form two-thirds of the face, and are therefore very important, for good looks and a smile. Crooked teeth are a source of embarrassment, at any age.
Nowadays, wiring treatment (or, orthodontic treatment) can be done at almost any age, provided the gums are healthy. We even have cases of mother and daughter coming together for treatment. Crooked teeth lead to food lodgement, gum disease, and difficulty in chewing.
Now, there is no need to suffer and feel bad, if you have crooked teeth. They can be straightened at almost any age.
Myth No. 3
Tooth loss is inevitable after a certain age
This may have been true about half a century ago. Nowadays with so many types of treatment available, it is possible to save teeth, which are badly decayed, or have gum disease.