On these blogs I will elaborate my views on a variety of dental care topics
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Study after study by various institutes across the world have shown that regular cleaning of teeth by a dental surgeon ( scaling of teeth) is a must.
Therefore, every individual must get his teeth cleaned by a dentist regularly.
This is because even with the best oral hygiene practices of the patient some amount of plaque still remains on the tooth surfaces. This plaque hardens into tartar and causes gum swellings ( gingivitis) .
Furthermore research now tells us that bad gums contribute to many medical problems like diabetes, cardiac problems etc.
Those patients who have medical problems like diabetes, etc must especially remember and get their teeth cleaned at regular intervals. Pregnant women must also get their teeth cleaned once or twice during pregananncy.
I have always emphasized upon the regular cleaning of teeth, by a dental surgeon right from my initial days of practice since 1990.
Ours is the only practice that has developed a computerized recall and reminder system for the same.
After all, clean teeth means a bright smile and a bright smile means a bright day.
Dr. Veerendra Darakh