Provided we take proper care. All teeth begin the same way. It is the care that makes the difference. This article will try answer some of the commonly asked queries to try and clear some common misconception about gum disease.

For easy of presentation we have adopted a question and answer format.

What is the main cause of gum disease?
Plaque and tartar accumulation is the main cause of gum disease. Plaque is a sticky, white, almost invisible film that constantly forms on teeth. It can be removed by brushing and flossing. It is not food debris. If not removed regularly than it hardens to form tartar. Tartar (calculus) can be removed only by a Dental professional.

How do plaque and tartar act?
Plaque contains bacteria, food particles, organic and inorganic debris. Bacteria act on food particles and release acids that attack tooth enamel. After many such attacks the enamel may break down and this leads to cavities.

It also leads to inflammation of gums. Plaque hardens to form tartar. Tartar causes more inflammation in the gums. It is rough and it attracts more plaque which starts the vicious circle of gum disease.

What are the initial signs of gum disease?

In the initial stage the gum disease is symptom less. Further more, gum disease is slow to start and progress. But once periodontal destruction occurs it is very difficult to rebuild it.

A few common signs are bleeding while brushing, bad breath, sensitivity to hot and cold foods, sour sensation in the teeth, mobile teeth, bad smell in the mouth, mobile teeth etc.

Gum disease progresses at different rates at different individuals. Some individuals are more susceptible to gum disease.

I brush my teeth twice a day. Is that enough?
Brushing teeth twice a day is necessary. However brushing should be supplemented by flossing at least once a week. Other interdental cleansing aids can be used if required. Regular professional check-ups should be at every six months.

Which toothpaste is the best ?
All toothpastes are equally good. The basic formulation by and large remains the same.Amongst the commercially available toothpastes no particular toothpaste has been proved to be clinically superior than the other. Advertisements claim a lot but the fact remains that it is our manual skill in removing plaque that matters. Toothpastes are only a supplement for that purpose.

Which is the best toothbrush ?
Any toothbrush with soft or medium bristles can be used. The head should not be very big. Smaller headed toothbrushes should be used for children, those wearing orthodontic appliances, those with crowded teeth etc.
The life of any toothbrush is about three to four months.

What is floss ?
It is a special thread used for cleaning teeth. Flossing is easy, although initially it may take some time to master the skill. Floss holders are available which make flossing convenient. After some Practice it just takes a few minutes a day to floss the teeth.

What is a disclosing solution?
It is harmless vegetable dye which stains the plaque and makes it visible.The plaque then should be removed. It is available in tablet or solution form.

Why are regular dental check-ups and scaling necessary?
Gum disease is painless and symptom less in the initial stage. Therefore it
requires a dental professional to look for the initial stages of gum disease and point it out. The Dental Surgeon will look for areas of plaque and tartar build-up. Besides he will also evaluate the oral hygiene habits of the patient and suggest improvements.

In spite of the best precautions some plaque and tartar does tend to get accumulated at a few sites. Regular scaling as deemed fit by the Dental Surgeon is therefore necessary.

However, it must be noted that regular check-ups are only meant for evaluation, supervision and guidance. It is only to supplement our oral hygiene procedures. Patients must not be dependent on Dental surgeon for their routine dental care.
Diligent oral hygiene as maintaining our own health is each individuals own responsibility.

Who should be taking more care ?
Those who are wearing dentures, crowns or bridges or orthodontic appliances. More plaque tends to accumulate around them.

Those patients who are medically compromised due to any reason like diabetes etc. must take more care.
Pregnant and nursing mothers also take more care.

Smokers and those having the habit of chewable like pan parag, gutkha etc. are more prone to ravages of gum disease. Quitting the habit would obviously be the best.

What are interdental cleansing aids?
Tooth brushing alone is not sufficient as the gap between the teeth are not cleaned by the brush. Therefore interdental cleansing aids must be used.Some of them are floss, toothpicks, dental probes etc.

Can toothpicks be used ?
Toothpicks either wooden or plastic can be used provided they are used in the proper manner. They should not damage the gums and must not be used aggressively.
They should be preferably used only for the front teeth to remove gross food particles.

What are oral irrigators ?
They are intruments that throw a jet of water which can be used for removing food debris. They can be used if recommended by the Dental Surgeon. It is especially recommended for those wearing bridges, crowns, orthodontic appliances.
There are lot of gaps in my teeth in which food particles get stuck?
The gaps in the teeth are difficult to close. In the front teeth they can be masked esthetically. However this can only reduce gaps and not close them completely. Even after masking procedures diligent oral hygiene and flossing is necessary.
It is best to take precautions in the initial stages and not let gaps develop in the first place.

Do mouthwashes help?
Some mouthwashes help in a limited way.They should be used only under professional supervision.

With proper care can the teeth last a lifetime ?
Certainly ,as they were meant to be.However ignore them and they will go away.

We are living healthier lives than ever before.Good teeth are necessary for good health and appearance.The basic fact remains that the natural dentition is better than the best of dentures.